Thursday short walk – Longstone moor

16th May 2024

It is street parking opposite The Crispin pub, Great Longstone, DE45 1TZ.
We will congregate on the triangle of grass that can be seen for an 11.00
am start. Map reference 198 727 although my track record on sending
these isn’t great! People still find the location, Thank you.
Through the church yard and over fields to Hardrake Lane. We then walk
steadily up to Longstone Edge. The last few metres being a bit of a
scramble, but the climb is steady. Then we walk on the very minor road
that skirts around the moor edge. Following a wall and road westwards to
Castcliff we encounter a much busier road. Not for long, at Rolley Low the
footpath climbs gently over fields eventually reaching a restricted by way to
take us into Great Longstone. Pub at the end!
It is a mixture of footpaths, tracks and tarmac (at most 1 mile) with gates
but only two stiles. The views could be amazing, we may stop a few times
for quick a fluid intake and working out what we can see. We will have a
lunch stop as well.
5.3 miles, total ascent 817ft.
Look forward to walking and talking with all who come.
Chris(tine) Paice