Tan yr Wyddfa Curry Meet

Fri. 27th to Sun. 29th Oct. 2023

The weekend Curry Meet will be at Tan yr Wyddfa this year. Most of you
will be familiar with our Welsh hut and with the curry meet format, but for
the few who are not, the hut is based in Rhyd Ddu just south of Snowdon.
This gives easy access to most of the best walking and climbing in

We’ll have the curry on Saturday night, as usual. I will cook a couple, but
the plan is to persuade one or two (or more) of you to also cook a curry. I
will reimburse you for the ingredients you need for the curry itself. I will
provide all the ancillary stuff, rice, naans, samosas, Indian sweets, fruit
salad etc.

The cost for the food will be about £10 per person, for everyone who signs
up. Payment method to be decided. I will let you know about this in
advance. Bring your own wine and beer etc. I have been running these
meets now for over 20 years and they have always been a well-attended
warm social occasion. So, if you’ve not been before, come and join us.
If you would like to come along and particularly if you would be willing
to make a curry, please let me know ASAP, indicating what you would like
to cook. In that way we should be able to provide a balanced menu.

Tony Howard